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Ship your LWC in minutes, not hours

The AI web tool for rapid LWC development. From idea to production in 5 minutes.

3 devs claimed lifetime free access. 7 spots left!

LWC development is clunky without instant preview

Developers waste precious time deploying dozens of times a day during the LWC development process. The juggle between salesforce docs, salesforce org, visual studio and AI generative models further hampers productivity.


Tedious development process


Repetitive deployment cycles


Burnout and frustration

All you need to ship your LWCfast and easy

  • Buildox's Cmd-K lets you write code using instructions. Update entire files or code blocks with a simple prompt.
  • Import images in your instructions, allowing you to upload your wireframe or figma/canva design and let the AI generate the code for you.
  • See the output of your code instantly without deploying to Salesforce.
  • Streamline your LWC development with the integrated code editor. Write, edit, and preview your components in a single app, from start to finish.
  • Add blueprint components from the Salesforce dev docs directly from the app.


Save hours of repetitive deployment and ship faster!

Limited beta testing access

Perfect for curious Salesforce devs seeking the latest Salesforce-related tools



USD per user / month

  • Full access to Buildox
  • Discord channel access
  • 24/7 support
  • Lifetime updates

Lifetime Access. 7 spots left!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You get full access to the Buildox app, 24/7 support and lifetime updates forever.
  • It's similar in the way that there is a built-in code editor. Other than that the difference is that Buildox is focused only on frontend for now (JS and salesforce org access coming very soon), has AI code generation and live preview.
  • None of your code, or images are stored longer than required for the AI model to perform its operations.
  • Cool, contact me at

Supercharge your productivity with Buildox

Don't waste time deploying every 3 minutes or centering divs manually anymore...